Processing & packaging

Sweet agreements

Sweet agreements

US manufacturer of single-use food service disposables Sweetheart
Cup has signed a licensing agreement with packaging company
EarthShell Corporation.

UK discusses foods processing

UK discusses foods processing

A UK independent body of experts created to advise authorities on
matters relating to novel foods and novel food processes will hold
an open meeting in November providing the public with a forum to
discuss, among other subjects, genetically...

Pallet expansion

Pallet expansion

Chicago-based Excalibur Pallet Group, a manufacturer of quality
engineered paper pallets and other transport packaging products for
the food and beverage industry, this week announced the
introduction of its newly expanded product...

The art of digital printing

The art of digital printing

The age of digital printing is upon the packaging industry. At the
same time as opening up new mediums to promote products and
increase customer appeal this new technology has instigated new
dilemmas for the packaging industry.

Pactiv set to expand

Pactiv set to expand

Two years after first going independent, and now debt-free, US
packaging specialist Pactiv is about to expand its business with a
series of strategic acquisitions.

API increases prices in Europe

API increases prices in Europe

In order to improve flagging financial results, global steel
packaging manufacturer, Arcelor Packaging International, has said
that it will increase its prices in France and Spain by 5 per cent
for all deliveries as of 1 January 2003.

Alcan sells British R&D centre

Alcan sells British R&D centre

Alcan, the Canada-based beverage can manufacturer, has sold its
72-year-old research centre in Britain as the company makes further
moves to consolidate its operations and prop up profits, according
to Canadian publication the Financial...

Redesigned case erector

Redesigned case erector

US company SWF Companies' CE 151 case erector has undergone a
redesign to improve its functionality. The redesign of this high
speed, automatic case erector/bottom flap sealer also improves the
machine's simplicity.

Soy may cut risk of cancer

Soy may cut risk of cancer

Consuming tofu and other soy-based foods significantly lowers
levels of a class of oestrogens normally associated with breast
cancer risk in postmenopausal women, according to new research
published in the September issue of Cancer...

Constar PET award winner

Constar PET award winner

Constar, the plastic packaging division of Crown Cork & Seal
Company, has announced the development of the first PET water
package capable of being dispensed through 12-ounce can vending

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