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FDA approves expanded use of acacia gum

FDA approves expanded use of acacia gum

By Maggie Hennessy

The US Food and Drug Administration has amended food additive regulations to allow expanded safe use of acacia gum (gum arabic) in foods, in response to a petition filed by Nexira, supplier of a dietary soluble acacia gum marketed as Fibregum. 

Future deep-fat fryers for outer space.

Scientists to design deep-fat fryer for outer space

‘I believe I can fry’

By Jenny Eagle

A team of scientists plan to design a deep-fat fryer for outer space with the help of the European Space Agency (ESA).

Patrick Doran, CEO, The Americk Group

Exclusive interview with Patrick Doran, CEO, The Americk Group

‘Americk Packaging to turn heads in 2014’

By Jenny Eagle

The Americk Group acquired Systems Labelling in September and plans to double turnover in the next three years.

Genius moved into the UAE this year as part of an ambitious international expansion strategy to hit on global gluten-free opportunities

Genius ‘suitably busy’ amid global expansion

By Kacey Culliney

Gluten-free major Genuis is suitably busy with an ambitious international expansion plan as it moves into the United Arab Emirates (UAE), its commercial director says.

Multivac to produce Heinz Ketchup small portion packs

Portion size packaging machinery to showcase at Interpack 2014

Multivac scoops Heinz Ketchup deal

By Jenny Eagle

Multivac has landed a deal with Heinz Ketchup and will install one of its R535 thermoform packaging machines at a factory in the US next week.

Healthy Ones Deli, a Smithfield prepared meats line, features front-of-pack nutrition info.

Smithfield launches front-of-pack nutrition labeling

By Jenni Spinner

Healthy Ones Deli, a Smithfield Foods brand, has revamped packaging for its line of meats to entice consumers with brighter packaging, easy-to-read messaging and new product varieties.

US in-store bakery market worth $13 bn

US in-store bakery market worth $13 bn

By Maggie Hennessy

Despite that they account for a relatively small percentage of perishable dollar sales at most retailers, in-store bakeries are thriving, according to recent data from Packaged Facts. 

Snack maker Axium Foods is recovering from an early-morning fire at its production facility.

Axium snack factory damaged by blaze

By Jenni Spinner

Production at snack maker Axium Foods has hit a snag after a weekend blaze struck its factory, damaging equipment but causing no injuries.

The vaporised liquid nitrogen can be used for processing dough.

Reduces air bubbles in foam-sensitive creamy sauces

Air Products targets bakery sector with refrigerant

By Jenny Eagle

Air Products has launched a ‘top injection’ of its liquid nitrogen refrigerant, Freshline LIN-IS, for sensitive products like dough.

Picture: Tera-Barrier’s Transparent Barrier Films

Nanoparticles boost barrier properties of plastic film

By Joseph James Whitworth

Tera-Barrier Films (TBF) has invented a plastic film using an encapsulated nanoparticle layer that it claims will bridge the gap between aluminium foil and transparent oxide films.

ADM has agreed to pay a total of $54m in criminal and regulatory penalties for the case of bribery, it says it has responded 'in the right way'

ADM subsidiary fined for bribery

By Maggie Hennessy

Alfred C. Toepfer International (ACTI), an overseas subsidiary of Archer Daniels Midland Co., agreed to pay $17.8 million in fines after pleading guilty in a federal court in Illinois to bribing Ukranian officials, according to the US Department of Justice.

BakeryandSnacks has some hot editorial topics lined up for 2014 tracking trends and innovations across the global bakery, snack and cereal sector

BakeryandSnacks: What’s on our 2014 editorial calendar?

By Kacey Culliney

From innovations in gluten-free, fat replacement and fiber, to fast-paced, flexible line and packaging developments, BakeryandSnacks’ 2014 editorial calendar of special editions covers hot button topics impacting the global bakery, snack and cereal sector.

Nestle has sold its Joseph's Pasta Co. business to Brynwood Partners.

Nestlé sells pasta producer

By Jenni Spinner

Brynwood Partners has acquired Joseph’s Pasta Co. from the Prepared Foods Co. division of Nestlé.

Original Cheerios going GMO-free

Original Cheerios going GMO-free

By Maggie Hennessy

General Mills says original Cheerios will now be made without genetically modified ingredients, citing consumers' growing preference for non-GMO food products. The change doesn’t apply to the other 11 varieties of Cheerios.

Key food manufacturers have not backed a system incorporating traffic light labelling

Food firms parry criticism as healthy promotions launch

By Rod Addy

Nestlé, Kellogg and Asda are among those criticised by consumer group Children’s Food Campaign (CFC) for not doing enough to promote healthy eating as a government-backed scheme designed to do that launches.

FoodProductionDaily will deliver special editions on hot industry topics throughout the year.

FPD serves up hot industry topics in 2014

By Jenni Spinner

Automation, sustainability, shelf-life extension, smart packaging and other technologies are some of the items FoodProductionDaily has planned for the year.

Best selling machinery of 2013, the Magna Capper

Magna Capper 2013 best seller: Applies and torques caps at speeds up to 60cpm

BellatRx celebrates 2014 with global expansion

By Jenny Eagle

BellatRx, which is based in North America and makes machinery for Santini Foods and Organic Spices, has expanded into Indonesia, Israel, South Africa and Ireland.

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