Processing equipment & systems, automation, control

Brent Bartson demonstrates use of the UR3 to DairyReporter.


Collaborative robot reaches out to dairy industry

By Hal Conick

Universal Robots has reached out to dairy manufacturers at this year’s International Dairy Show in Chicago with its line of collaborative robots.

Frito-Lay will invest its own funds in the plant modernization as well

Frito-Lay to modernize Canada plant

By Kacey Culliney

Frito-Lay will modernize its Ontario plant in Canada, helped along by a $3m investment from the local government.

Ice cream sandwich bars

Highest consumption of ice cream is in North America

Tetra Pak launches world first high capacity ice cream extrusion line

By Jenny Eagle

Tetra Pak says it has developed an ice cream extrusion line with the highest capacity in the world, producing up to 43,200 pieces of ice cream sticks and sandwiches per hour, (the average is 36,000) with plans to launch a second one in Q1 next year.

Lawyer: 'FDA will be, in my view, patient initially but as time progresses the agency loses patience and they expect everybody to rise to the same level'

Lawyer: FSMA is going to hit small snack makers hard

By Kacey Culliney

The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) is going to squeeze smaller snack players who may not have the finances and resources to implement required changes under regulations, warns a lawyer.

ABA policy chief: 'There are over 63 issues our industry is monitoring and we’ve really had to prioritize'

Trans fat ban / Nutrition Facts Panel overhaul / FSMA implementation

Big baking: Policy change has never been this busy, says ABA

By Kacey Culliney

Bakers must be prioritize and collaborate in the face of policy upheaval on nutrition, ingredients and food safety this year, warns the American Bakers Association (ABA).

Coles made 'substantial and serious' misleading claims on its in-store bread, rules a judge

Coles fined A$2.5m for ‘fresh’ bread claims

By Kacey Culliney

Australian supermarket major Coles must pay A$2.5m in penalties over false and misleading ‘fresh’ claims on its par-baked products, a federal court has ruled.

CDR FoodLab Touch

CDR targets fat and oil quality control

By Joseph James Whitworth

CDR and Filsorb have launched a benchtop analyser for quality control of raw materials when purchased, stored and during production.

India's snack market will hit $4bn by 2018

Dispatches from Anuga FoodTec 2015

Heat and Control awaits go-ahead for India mega plant

By Kacey Culliney

Heat and Control plans to open a large-scale manufacturing facility in India to serve a rapidly growing snacks market and bolster business in the country, its sales head says.