Neogen modifies Ochratoxin test after feedback

Neogen has developed a quantitative test for Ochratoxin in response to customer feedback to modify its existing system.

Veratox HS (high sensitivity) for Ochratoxin allows users to test for low levels of the mycotoxin in line with the permitted regulatory levels, said the firm.

It is intended for the quantitative analysis of Ochratoxin in corn and wheat.

The test is a competitive direct enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (CD-ELISA) that allows the user to get concentrations in parts per billion (ppb).

Tailored to the EU

Dr Steve Chambers, sales and marketing director, said it has always provided testing for mycotoxins, but Veratox HS has been specifically tailored to the EU range that is of concern.

“When a commodity is shipped or passed from harvester to miller etc each shipment is checked for mycotoxin levels,” he said.

“The level of regular testing therefore is dependent on number of shipments and commodities moved throughout the year. 

“The peak of testing is usually at harvest time, but as worldwide shipments are throughout the year, so is testing.”

The European Union (EU) limits Ochratoxin levels in cereal grains such as wheat and corn to 3ppb with other countries looking to introduce similar maximum tolerance levels.

Neogen said the test helps those looking to import cereal goods to the EU to meet legal requirements. The firm is not seeking AOAC approval at this time.

The test delivers detection of 2–10 ppb of Ochratoxin after 30 minutes.

What is Ochratoxin?  

Ochratoxin is a mycotoxin found in corn, barley, green coffee and various dried fruits and may be present with aflatoxin, one of the most potent naturally-occurring carcinogens.

In 2014, 20% of all refused EU food and feed border imports were declined due to overly high levels of mycotoxins, according to the European Commission’s RASFF 2014 report.

Ochratoxin is commonly produced by the moulds Aspergillus ochraceus and Penicillium viridicatum.

It affects kidneys in animals exposed to naturally-occurring levels of this mycotoxin.

Other mycotoxin tests include rapid lateral flow tests and quantitative ELISAs to detect aflatoxin, deoxynivalenol (DON), fumonisin, T-2 / HT-2 toxin and zearalenone.