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Life in a European health claims wasteland

Life in a European health claims wasteland

Ka-CHING! Hear that? No it’s not the sound of overflowing cash registers as consumers throw endless wads of euros at scientifically-backed, healthy foods in greater numbers than ever before.

ABF acting on enzymes and yeast potential

ABF acting on enzymes and yeast potential

By Jess Halliday

ABF Ingredients is taking advantage of high demand in enzymes and yeast, with new capacity coming on board this year or next. But for the last year, growth was driven largely by currency benefits.

Clinical trials are EFSA’s fool’s gold

Clinical trials are EFSA’s fool’s gold

There’s gold to be found in them health claims mountains, but prospectors from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) must be happy with the little chunks that add up to a lot, and stop searching for nuggets the size of your fist.

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