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Picture: Comet Group: Andreas Freiburghaus, Ronald Fehlmann, Beat Vonlanthen

Comet Group starts work on HQ expansion

By Joseph James Whitworth

Comet Group has started work on expanding its HQ which will create 20,000 square meters of additional production space by mid-2018 and 250 more jobs.  

'The presence of a food matrix had a significant effect on polyphenol bioaccessibility from almond skin in both the gastric and duodenal environments.' ©iStock

Food affects almond skin polyphenol release: Study

By Eliot Beer

Milk may significantly lower the release of polyphenols from almond skins during digestion, while consuming almond skins with food also has a significant effect on their release, according to a study.

© iStock

Manufacturers dismiss Italy's 'wheat war'

By Niamh Michail

Low prices and cheap imports are hitting Italian wheat producers who are declaring 'a wheat war' while MEPs are calling for the Commission to act. But Italy simply cannot produce enough wheat to meet national demands, say manufacturers.

© iStock/©stocksnapper

UK pushes voluntary added sugar labelling scheme

By David Burrows

The UK government has confirmed that it will introduce “clearer visual labelling” in relation to free sugars on packaged food and drinks - but it will be voluntary.

Prices for all major commodities in the FAO's basket of goods.rose last month apart from grain. © iStock/Peshkov

World food prices hit 15-month high: FAO

By Niamh Michail

Food prices for all global commodities rose in the past month apart from cereals, according to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).

ROSA WET-S3 Aflatoxin Quantitative Test

Charm Sciences’ aflatoxin in corn test backed

By Joseph James Whitworth

Charm Sciences’ aflatoxin test has been backed by the US Department of Agriculture’s Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA).

Hongkongers warned to avoid unhealthy mooncakes

China direct

Hongkongers warned to avoid unhealthy mooncakes

By RJ Whitehead

Hong Kong authorities have warned the public against buying mooncakes with high levels of sugar, fat and sodium ahead of the Mid-Autumn festival later this month.

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