Breakfast cereals

Hubertus Bessau is co-owner of MyMuesli, a German-based food firm specializing in consumer-customized cereal blends.

FMI Connect 2014

Do-it-yourself foods: the next consumer trend?

By Jenni Spinner

A German cereal start-up is seeing booming sales of its personalized muesli cereal, thanks to growing demand for consumer-customized packaged foods.

Granola in Japan has boomed and playing up health benefits with a fashionable image can be a 'winning formula', says a Datamonitor Consumer analyst

Granola: A sophisticated breakfast win in Japan

By Kacey Culliney

Granola has boomed in Japan because of its health promise and versatility and Western cereal firms could cash in further by playing up the trendy aspect, says a Datamonitor Consumer analyst.

Packaging producer Ball has been name the third most sustainable company in the US, according to Newsweek's Green Rankings.

Ball, Coke, and General Mills rank on ‘green’ list

By Jenni Spinner

Newsweek’s list of the US’s most sustainable companies names packaging firms like Ball, beverage producers like Coca-Cola, and food manufacturers such as General Mills rank among the green giants.

ABF's Jordons and Ryvita brands have snapped up the premium UK cereal maker

ABF buys Dorset Cereals

By Kacey Culliney

Associated British Foods (ABF) has bought UK premium cereal maker Dorset Cereals in a deal rumoured to be worth £50m ($83.7m) - taking its cereal brand tally up to two.

World Environment Day should be used to celebrate natural resources and acknowledge the work of farmers, but also draw focus on the role the global food sector has to play, says Food Tank chief

World Environment Day - June 5 2014 - Driving action on climate change

Sustainable food: Cut the greenwashing and act now, says Food Tank

By Kacey Culliney

Food manufacturers don’t understand the urgency of sustainability and need to act faster, but also communicate actions better with consumers, says the president of global NGO Food Tank.

Sam Millar.

60-second interview: The day job

What do you do? Sam Millar, director of technology, Campden BRI

By Jenny Eagle

As part of FoodProductionDaily’s ongoing series of 60-second interviews with the movers and shakers of the food and beverage industry, we caught up with Sam Millar, director of technology, Campden BRI.

Cinnamon is being used for its perceived health benefits

Health properties of cinnamon drive demand

By Nicholas Robinson

Increasing interest in cinnamon’s health properties has led to its use in more foods, but heavy rainfall in producer countries has affected supply, a leading ingredients company has warned.

Fiber fortification potential is vast hitting on a spectrum of health and trends


Fiber-rich bakery: What does the science say?

By Nathan Gray

In this special edition article takes a look at some of the key suggested benefits of fiber, and how manufacturers can utilize it to benefit consumers.

Fiber's health function has been outpaced by technical promise like sugar reduction and gluten-free improvement, claim ingredients majors Nordic Sugar and Roquette


Fiber and beyond: Technical promise outshines nutritional value

By Kacey Culliney

Fortifying cereal-based products with fiber is less about nutrition and more about technical, formulation functions that align with mega-trends like sugar reduction and gluten-free, claim suppliers.

British Heart Foundation dietician: Fortification isn't absolutely necessary, we have everything we need in 'normal' food

Special edition: Closing the fiber gap

Cereal gets to the heart of fiber deficiency, but is fortification the way to go?

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

High cereal fiber intake after a heart attack may improve long-term survival rates, research suggests, but these benefits could be achieved with a balanced, healthy diet, rather than through fortified goods, says British Heart Foundation senior dietician. 

The outer carton for Little Duck Organics' Mighty Oats cereal contains seeds that sprout when the paperboard is planted.

Kids' cereal waddles into plantable packaging

By Jenni Spinner

Little Duck Organics’ Mighty Oats single-serve cereal cups boast an outer carton that, when planted in the garden, sprouts tasty vegetables from the seeds in the paperboard.


Interpack 2014

Dow to launch pacXpert across EMEA

By Jenny Eagle

Dow Packaging has launched pacXpert at Interpack with plans to roll the product out across Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) this month. 

Cereal Partners said the additional chocolate chips had been balanced with an overall sugar reduction, although the ASA did state that the sugar content remained high

Cereal Partners UK defends kids’ advertising complaint

By Kacey Culliney

Cereal Partners UK has defended its cinema advert for Nestlé Cookie Crisp breakfast cereal and the health values of the product, following a complaint claiming it encouraged an unhealthy lifestyle in children.

Cereal makers should consider incorporating black grains into products in China because of the health connotations, Datamonitor Consumer says

Digging into innovation & NPD with Datamonitor consumer

Black cereal: How to make a splash in China

By Kacey Culliney

Black ingredients are considered healthier in China and black breakfast cereals are making a debut splash in the market; a trend Western companies should take note of, says a Datamonitor researcher.

Kellogg CEO: We need to get Kashi back on track

Kellogg CEO: We need to get Kashi back on track

By Elaine WATSON

Kashi has lost some distribution in the past 12-18 months, but brand owner Kellogg says it will prove to consumers that Kashi is still a pioneer in the field of ‘progressive nutrition’.

Crisis in the Ukraine underlines the need to step up food security, said Meurig Raymond

Crisis in Ukraine forces up world wheat prices

By Nicholas Robinson

Political instability in the Ukraine has reinforced the UK’s need to increase its own food security and production, National Farmers Union (NFU) president Meurig Raymond has warned.

Kellogg's flexible packaging.

Aplix Easy-Lock wins Kellogg’s deal

By Jenny Eagle

Aplix has won a deal to supply Kellogg’s Special K Muesli and Crunchy Nut packs with its Easy-Lock polyethylene reclosable design across Europe.

Consumer complaint prompts Nestlé cereal recall

Dead insect findings prompt Nestlé recall

By Joseph James Whitworth

Nestlé said it was 'very concerned' to learn of a consumer complaint about a batch of its cereal in Greece containing dead insects.

Stephen Daniells and Shane Starling from FoodNavigator and NutraIngredients

Key Insights from Food Vision

Food Vision 2014: Bridge knowledge gaps, overcome change and work sustainably

By Kacey Culliney

What is the future of food? Simple communication of complex advances will be crucial, as well as picking up the pace amid a global population boom to feed the world nutritiously and sustainably, according to FoodNavigator and NutraIngredients senior editors.

Weetabix is responding to a changing market

Weetabix could cut pay and working hours to save jobs

By Nicholas Robinson

Weetabix has confirmed it has started a consultation with its UK staff to cut pay and working hours in response to increasing pressure from supermarket own-label products and the discounters.

Consumers are shifting breakfast habits away from full sit-down breakfasts to RTE cereals, a shift that will see the ingredients market soar, research suggests

Breakfast cereal ingredients will hit $755.4m by 2019

By Kacey Culliney

Increasing demand for healthy, ready-to-eat breakfast options, particularly across Asia Pacific, will fuel growth in breakfast cereal ingredients over the next five years, according to MarketsandMarkets.

Yogurt and cereal marry well together because both products are considered inherently healthy, says Mintel's head of innovation and insight

Yogurt and cereal: The new snap, crackle and pop?

By Kacey Culliney

Kellogg Australia reckons there’s a new breakfast cereal trend afloat as consumers replace traditional milk with yogurt or fruit juice, but Mintel’s innovation head says this is nothing new.

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