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Südzucker’s candy sugar is a clean label choice for professional chefs
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Understanding candy sugars: What sets them apart as a clean label choice?

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It is vital for brands and food and beverage companies to use the right type of sugar for each application to achieve the desired effect.

From standard white sugar in granulated or liquid form to specialty sugars, there is a wide range of options to consider for different applications. Candy sugars, including candy powders and syrups, are a particularly unique and historic type of sugar.

Candy sugar is a unique type of sweetener made from sugar syrup that has undergone a caramelisation process. This process gives candy sugar its distinctive flavour profile and colour.

The history of candy sugar dates back to the 16th Century in Belgium, where Antwerp in Belgium was a major port of entry for sugar into Europe. After months at sea, the imported sugar had to be purified. It was heated, dissolved and then allowed to cool slowly to return to its dry form. This process led to the discovery of a sugar that had not only regained its purity but had also been enhanced in flavour and texture: candy sugar.

Today, the production process remains largely the same, although it has been optimized to ensure food safety.

Applications in baking and confectionery

Südzucker’s candy sugar range is versatile and can be used in a wide range of culinary applications. The natural caramel flavour and the fact that the sugars are ‘clean label’ make them particularly valuable in the following applications:

Pastries and desserts​ The candy sugar range can enhance the flavour of cakes, cookies and other baked goods, imparting a rich, caramel note that complements other ingredients. Its crystalline structure can also add a pleasant crunch to toppings and fillings.

Confectionery​ In candy making, these sugars contribute to the desired texture, colour and flavour of products such as toffees, brittles and caramels.

Beer brewing​ Candy sugars can be used into beer brewing, providing a unique taste and colour that elevates the overall flavour profile without overpowering it. They are particularly popular in specialty beers.

Sauces and glazes​ The natural caramel flavour of candy sugars makes them an excellent choice for sauces and glazes, adding depth and complexity to both sweet and savoury dishes.


Insights from a pastry chef

To gain deeper insights into the unique qualities of Südzucker’s candy sugar range, renowned pastry chef François Galtier (World Pastry Cup Bronze winner), who has extensive experience working with these specialty sugars, shares his experience.

“The most important for me in pastry is the taste, and with Südzucker´s candy sugar range I can add the right level of sweetness to my recipes, but at same time I can bring a specific character to the taste.

“It’s not a flat taste of sugar, but it’s really a complex flavour to pair with your global taste of the cake that you add to your dessert, with notes of caramel, spices, and a lot of roundness as vanilla does. I compare using candy sugar in pastry to using salt and pepper with meat – without salt and pepper meat can taste ’flat’. In a similar way, candy sugar can act like a seasoning in your dessert to enhance the flavours.

“We can try adding any ingredients into a regular sugar to achieve this specific character but it will never match candy sugar in terms of taste and colour. The candy step is essential!”

Galtier also highlights the consistency that candy sugars offer. “In my experience, candy sugars provide a well-balanced sweetness, which is crucial in recipes. The fact that this specific taste and colour are coming from a natural, authentic and respectful process is ’the cherry on the cake’ for me, especially in today’s market where consumers are increasingly looking for natural and minimally processed ingredients.” 

Galtier's testimony underscores the importance of candy sugars in the culinary world, particularly for professionals who demand both consistency and quality in their ingredients.


The journey from beet sugar to candy sugar

The transformation of beet sugar into Südzucker’s candy sugar range involves a meticulous process.

Südzucker’s candy sugar ​The candy sugars are made by slowly crystallizing highly concentrated beet sugar syrup in containers. The result is beautiful brown or white crystals.

The next step is the harvesting and sorting of the crystals thus obtaining different fractions according to their size.

Südzucker’s candy powder ​The remaining syrup after the harvesting is sent to a boiler. This particular step will give the candy powder its typical texture and aroma as a pure result of the controlled heating process and thanks to the team's craftsmanship and experience.

The crystals and the syrup are then separated by centrifuge. These crystals will form the candy powders which are available in two product variants – pale or dark brown.

Südzucker’s candy syrup ​The remaining syrup after the centrifugation is available in two product variants – mild or strong.


The clean label advantage

The clean label trend has been gaining momentum as consumers become more health-conscious and scrutinize the ingredients in their food. Clean label products are those that contain only few ingredients and are free from colouring, flavouring or other additives and preservatives. Südzucker’s candy sugar range align perfectly with this trend, offering brown sugars with sugar as sole ingredient.

Sugar as ingredient​ Candy sugars are made from beet sugar syrup that undergoes a caramelization process. This ensures that the final product is free from added flavours, colours or preservatives, leading to authenticity and a rounded mouthfeel.

Transparency​ The production process of candy sugars is straightforward and transparent, providing consumers with confidence in the quality of the product.

In summary, candy sugars are distinct among sweeteners due to their unique production process, which naturally imparts a caramel flavour and colour. Their versatility in various culinary applications and their compatibility with clean label trends make them a valuable ingredient for both professional chefs and home bakers. Using candy sugars allows for a rich, caramelized sweetness that enhances the overall taste experience without the need for additives or artificial flavours.

Embracing the unique qualities of candy sugars

For professional chefs like François Galtier candy sugars provide a versatile and high-quality option. Their ability to enhance the natural flavours of other ingredients while adding their own subtle caramel notes makes them a valuable addition to any pantry.

By understanding and utilizing candy sugars, you can elevate your culinary creations and meet the expectations of today’s discerning consumers.

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