Industry voices

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How packaging influences shopper's perception of health

By Nikki Hancocks

New research provides insights into which elements of packaging have the biggest impact on the consumer's perception of product healthiness, and how the demographics of the consumer will impact these perceptions.

Scottish Bakers is calling for entries to the World Championship Scotch Pie Awards 2022. Pic: GettyImages/Szakaly

The search is on for the world’s best Scotch Pie

By Gill Hyslop

Scottish Bakers has confirmed the World Championship Scotch Pie Awards is back in full swing after its COVID-impacted hiatus, and is calling for entries to root out pie perfection.

Pic: GettyImages/Kateryna Bibro

Healthy Snacking free-to-attend webinar

By Gill Hyslop

BakeryandSnacks’ Healthy Snacking webinar is tapping some of the best minds the sector has to offer to explore what healthy snacking means to consumers and the industry.

The implementation to restrict the promotion of foods high in fat, sugar and sodium could shrink more than just the waistlines of consumers. Pic: GettyImages/Chris Ryan

FDF Scotland hails government’s delay to restrict HFSS marketing

By Gill Hyslop

The promulgation of the Good Food Bill – first mooted under the Scottish government’s 2019/20 programme and rescheduled to necessitate the tabling of emergency COVID-19 legislation – has again been delayed, much to the relief of FDF Scotland, which believes...

The all-American classic PB&J proved a life saver for many school kids during the height of the pandemic. Pic: GettyImages/ALLEKO

The critical role of the humble PB&J

By Gill Hyslop

With the world still in various states of lockdown thanks to COVID-19, bread’s rise in popularity continues to thrive as people seek out comfort and nostalgia. The demand for the classic all-American peanut butter and jelly (PB&J) sandwich – while...


Charity calls for industry help as food waste soars

By Oliver Morrison

Businesses should focus on how they can help prevent food waste in the home and nudge people towards habits that stop waste from happening, according to food waste charity WRAP.

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