
Bridging the gap between health and indulgence

Bridging the gap between health and indulgence

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Is it possible for a food to be healthy and indulgent at the same time? FoodNavigator-USA asked exhibitors at the recent Natural Products Expo West in Anaheim, California.

Forget pancakes. I'm flippin' well going for the CEO's job

Women. The most wasted resource in food production

By Jess Halliday

Today is Pancake Day. It is also International Women’s Day. An important date, then, not just for food lovers in countries where Mardi Gras is a big deal, but a day to consider the role – and the potential – of women involved in food provision all over...

The naked truth about kids’ food advertising

The naked truth about kids’ food advertising

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

It was an Emperor’s New Clothes moment for the US food industry last week, when it was revealed that a major initiative touting its responsible advertising to kids actually allows promotion of many unhealthy foods. Is anyone really surprised?

The food industry in 2010: A retrospective

The food industry in 2010: A retrospective

As 2010 draws to a close, our journalists look back at the issues that have topped agendas across the food, beverage and dietary supplements industries in the last 12 months. Commodity prices, Bisphenol A, obesity, health claims, safety regulations, and...

Bone health still niche, but sharp rise in NPD

Bone health still niche, but sharp rise in NPD

By Elaine Watson

The UK market for functional foods on a bone health platform grew 6.8% in the year to March 2010, but at just £38M, it still represents a niche part of the £556m functional foods market, according to new data from Kantar Worldpanel.

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