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Securing the future

Securing the future

Packaging giants Alcan and Pechiney have finally agreed on the
terms of a liquidity agreement that will be made available to
eligible beneficiaries of Pechiney subscription and purchase
options. This ends months of discussions, plans...

Packing the show

Packing the show

Eastman Chemical, the world's largest producer of polyester and
copolyester plastics for packaging, has joined Rexam as headline
sponsors of the Packaging Innovation Show, part of Total Processing
& Packaging 2004.

Cremonini gets it right

Cremonini gets it right

A move towards higher margin products and an ongoing programme of
debt reduction have helped Italian meat processor Cremonini to a
strong rise in sales and profits in the first three quarters of the

Polish packaging reviewed

Polish packaging reviewed

The Polish parliament has passed an amendment of the Act on
Packaging and Packaging Waste for the purpose of adapting existing
Polish laws to EU norms. The amendment is scheduled to take effect
on the date of Poland's accession...

East and west

East and west

Differing fortunes in the east and west: following disappointing
third quarter results, Carlsberg has rationalised its operations in
Sweden while at the same time increased its influence in the
Bulgarian brewing industry.

The future of packaging

The future of packaging

The food service sector in Europe is expanding at a rapid rate. To
capitalise on the growing number of opportunities this is
presenting to European food processors and manufacturers, packaging
giant Cryovac recently held a programme...

Co-operation works

Co-operation works

A US farm co-operative is set to open a $25 million
state-of-the-art pork processing plant that will be wholly owned by
hog producers. Is this the best way that small pork processors can
compete against the likes of Smithfield and...

Dutch courage

Dutch courage

Three Dutch cheese processors have joined forces to produce and
market goat's milk products. Heijkoop, De Jong and CBM believe that
by combining their strengths, they can increase their efficiency
and market strength and achieve...

The great giveaway

The great giveaway

The poultry processing industry loses a considerable amount of
money from wastage throughout the supply chain. Danish firm
Scanvaegt has come with a range of solutions to help manufacturers
cut costs by limiting giveaway at every...

Intelligent regulations

Intelligent regulations

The European Commission has put forward revised regulations on
materials that come into contact with food. Among the proposed
changes is a more modern approach to the principle that packaging
materials should not interact with the...

EU law spotlight at FiE

EU law spotlight at FiE

As a raft of new food legislation, notably the labelling of food
allergens and genetically modified organisms, enters into force in
Europe, food manufacturers cannot afford to be less than au
fait with the new rules. Under the umbrella...

Del Monte's PET

Del Monte's PET

Global fruit juice manufacturer Del Monte has become the first
company to launch a 330ml PET bottle for 100 per cent ambient fruit
juices in the UK.

A-maizing concepts

A-maizing concepts

New research confirms that consumers are becoming more switched on
to issues of environmental sustainability. But will sustainable
food concepts such as maize-based packaging catch the public's

In the bag

In the bag

Waste in the food supply chain is a major issue for manufacturers -
billions could be saved each year if unnecessary and unsustainable
expenditure was kept to an absolute minimum. This topic was touched
upon at the recent Australian...

Northern lights down

Northern lights down

UK food processor Northern Foods has blamed a drop in pre-tax
profit on tough trading conditions in the first half of the year.
The group is taking stock of the situation and a full review of the
company's structure is being...

Crown down under

Crown down under

Leading beverage can manufacturer Amcor has begun manufacturing
SuperEnd beverage ends Down Under under license from packaging
giant Crown. The high-performance can ends are being filled and
seamed by Coca Cola Amatil and Fosters...

Lift for Linde

Lift for Linde

German-based technology firm Linde Group has reported a Q3 rise in
profits from July to September 2003 despite tough economic
conditions and negative currency effects. The company said that all
business segments contributed to driving...

Cultured debate

Cultured debate

UK-based organic food company Yeo Valley has appealed to MP's,
MEP's, and Tony Blair to help it maintain the consistency of its
range of bio live yoghurts. The company claims that it is under EU
pressure to change the name...

Rising to the challenge

Rising to the challenge

Finnish consumer packaging specialist Huhtamaki prides itself on
its ability to cover virtually every aspect of the food production
industry. Its recent partnership with Fazer Bakeries, a market
leader for baked products in Finland,...

Salt warning

Salt warning

The UK government announced this week that food manufacturers could
be forced to label food as 'high in salt' if they fail to
make significant progress in reducing the amount in their products.
A statement on the 10 Downing...

Stork stalls

Stork stalls

Job losses, reduced turnover and sluggish growth are reflected in
the third quarter results of Dutch technology company Stork Group.
But at least some of their innovations within the poultry and food
processing sector achieved recognition.

Ukraine open for business

Ukraine open for business

Nestlé continues to pursue its strategy of getting a foothold in
just about every food market in the world. The recent purchase of
Ukrainian food processor Volyn Holding is the latest in a list of
acquisitions designed to cement the...

Hot water

Hot water

Israel, one of the world's most developed water cooler markets, has
recently witnessed an intensified battle between bottled water
coolers and point of use coolers (POU), according to leading drinks
consultancy and water cooler...

Sensitive issues

Sensitive issues

NSF International has granted Refrigeration Solutions' Thermo-Cube
certification to NSF Protocol P235: Temperature Mimicking Sensors,
a certification that verifies to regulators that food temperatures
are being monitored effectively,...

Business mushrooms

Business mushrooms

Exotic products are flooding the European and American food market
these days. Japanese producer Yukiguni Maitake has just patented a
dry process that ensures that the mushrooms arrive in supermarkets
in tip-top condition.

Bottled up

Bottled up

It's that time of year again. Companies are releasing their third
quarter results amid great fanfare, even if there isn't that much
to cheer about. The bottling industry in particular has had a
fairly difficult year, with...

The Fallingbostel project

The Fallingbostel project

SIG Corpoplast has just completed the installation of its first
ever PET-line at Eckes Granini's plant in Fallingbostel, a small
town in Lower Saxonia, Germany. The plant now produces a complete
range of packaging varieties for...

FSA to join kids' food debate

FSA to join kids' food debate

The UK Food Standards Agency is to discuss a number of possible
options concerning the future regulation of promoting food products
to children in a bid to tackle the rising tide of obesity. A move
which has been cautiously welcomed...

RHM agree sale of Pasta Foods

RHM agree sale of Pasta Foods

RHM, one of the largest food retailers in the UK and Ireland has
announced its sale of Pasta Foods LTD to a management buy-out team
for an undisclosed fee. In a separate deal it has also sold Three
Cooks limited to Cooks limited,...

...and the debate goes on

...and the debate goes on

The opening decade of the 21st century may well be seen in the
future as the period when the world went to war over GMOs. Passions
run deep and the path to reconciling polar opinions is likely to be
long and arduous.

Worth weighting for

Worth weighting for

Global supplier of weighing and packing line solutions Ishida
Europe has announced it is to open a Paris office at the end of
2003. With effect from January 2004, all sales, projects, spares,
service and training for the French market...

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