Archives for June 3, 2014

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Ruiz Foods snaps up former Heinz plant

By Jenni Spinner

The producer has purchased the 225,000-square-foot Heinz frozen food plant to accommodate growing demand for its Hispanic cuisines.

Partnership ramps up plant-based packaging

By Jenni Spinner

Solegear Bioplastics has sealed a deal with r-pac International to speed production, sales, and distribution of its plant-based plastic packaging.

Waitrose’s flour supplier for sale

By Nicholas Robinson

Niche flour milling operation Bacheldre Watermill is being sold for £1.4M, with a £1M business plan and the potential to create around 20 jobs.

World Environment Day - June 5 2014 - Driving action on climate change

Sustainable food: Cut the greenwashing and act now, says Food Tank

By Kacey Culliney

Food manufacturers don’t understand the urgency of sustainability and need to act faster, but also communicate actions better with consumers, says the president of global NGO Food Tank.

Solving the unhealthy = tasty dilemma

By Maggie Hennessy

As the number of overweight and obese people worldwide continues to climb, policymakers and public health officials are scratching their heads over how to stimulate healthier food choices among consumers.