Archives for July 17, 2006

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Folic acid debate rages in Ireland and Australia

By  Jess Halliday and Dominique Patton

Ireland's National Committee on Folic Acid Fortication today recommended that most white, brown and wholemeal breads sold in the country be fortificed with 120 micrograms of folic acid per 100g of bread in a bid to reduce incidence of neural tube...

Figures reveal UK business collapse, says report

By  Sean Roach

Business failure in the UK food retail, plastics and rubber industries has increased dramatically in the first half of 2006, according to a report published by credit checking group Experian.

Premier Foods makes shrewd UB offer

By  Anita Awbi

The UK's Premier Foods is believed to have offered United Biscuits an initial £1bn bid for its northern European snack food operations - even though City analysts claim the business is worth £2.3bn.

Sausage emulsifer ups the tempo

By  Ahmed ElAmin

A new sausage emulsifer on the market can process ten tonnes of meat an hour, its manufacturer claims.