Pechiney to acquire Novacel
The France-based Pechiney Group has announced that its subsidiary, Pechiney Plastic Packaging, has entered into an agreement to acquire Novacel, Mexico's leading custom flexible packaging company.
The France-based Pechiney Group has announced that its subsidiary, Pechiney Plastic Packaging, has entered into an agreement to acquire Novacel, Mexico's leading custom flexible packaging company.
The issue of a tax on high-fat foods hit the headlines in the UK this week. The BMA is expected to give its support to calls for the introduction of VAT on products such as biscuits and snack foods.
According to a survey by Pira International, the integration of packaging and processing disciplines hold the key to the tactical and strategic development of end user companies.
The Center for Science in the Public Interest, a nonprofit US organisation, has made a call to the US Food and Drug Administration for food companies to cut back on the risk of foods carrying the potential carinogen acrylamide.
The Food Standards Agency is to investigate exactly the exact ingredients for salamis and similar meat products being sold in the UK, in an effort to clamp down on the sale of horse and donkey meat.