
Americans can now get their Hippeas snacks online. Pic: Hippeas

Hippeas capitalises D2C demand with new online store

By Gill Hyslop

The direct-to-consumer (D2C) platform will take advantage of the trend for purchasing snacks online, initially driven by the imposed lockdown on consumers, but expected to outlast the pandemic.

It's that time of year again to celebrate the UK's ubiquitous love of pies. Pic: GettyImages/Say-Cheese

Let's celebrate British Pie Week

By Gill Hyslop

Lockdown has given consumers plenty of time to get creative in the kitchen, with many Brits turning their hands to the much-loved supper: the pie. Research by OnBuy’s Food Department revealed the nation’s most loved pie was a fish pie, followed by a cottage...

How an eating occasion is labelled influences other food choices an individual makes on the same day and may even affect satiety after eating, but today, there still is no clear cut definition of what a snack is. Pic: GettyImages/Choreograph

Some of the science behind our snacking habit

By Gill Hyslop

The ‘snackification’ trend is at an all-time high with 25% of Americans confessing to snacking multiple times a day and 40% even admitting to replace a traditional sit-down meal with a snack.

The Movie Night Sweet & Salty Snack Bundle is just one of the curated packs available on BBU's new D2C platform.

Bimbo Bakeries launches D2C shopping site

By Gill Hyslop

Bimbo Bakeries USA (BBU) – a subsidiary of the Mexican bakery giant Grupo Bimbo SAB de CV – has launched a direct-to-consumer platform that delivers BBU brands to the doorsteps of consumers.

Griffith Foods specialises in food ingredients to help customers create better-for-you products in more sustainable world. Pic: GettyImages/Alex Raths

Snacking trends

Griffith Foods poised to help snack producers capitalise on snacking trends

By Gill Hyslop

Scientific research has proved that, as an activity, healthy snacking is calming and even helpful to wellbeing. And although the trend towards healthier snacking is not new, Griffith Foods says there has been a substantial lean towards more natural seasonings...

Indulgence, health, shopping more locally and purchasing foods with real provenance will drive the bakery sector in 2021, says the CBA.

Snacking trends

Coronavirus blues expected to continue propelling snacking movement in 2021

By Gill Hyslop

Snacking – both in and out of the home – is a category that did very well in 2020 and the movement looks set to continue in 2021 as consumers look for inexpensive sweet treats to cheer themselves up, writes Karen Dear, director of operations for the Craft...

Bakedin on track to achieve carbon neutral aim

By Gill Hyslop

The UK subscription baking business has taken another step towards its mission to become a climate positive company by partnering with Ecologi, planting a tree for every order placed.

Craving for a snack? Pic: GettyImages/Jupiterimages

Trendsetters: From African inspired snacks to cookies with a difference

By Gill Hyslop

Chicka’s reverts to its African heritage to bring better-for-you treats to Brits while empowering the women of tomorrow; pladis is rolling out its biggest launch to date; the cookie category is being given a shake up with a range of chef-driven delights;...

Consumers are increasingly looking for smaller packs of snacks. Pic: GettyImages/FotoDuets

Guest article

Capitalising on the small pack trend

By Gill Hyslop

Lifestyle changes are redefining the packaging sector. Along with the increased lean towards the snackification of mealtimes – ‘grazing’ on snacks throughout the day – consumers are also demanding more convenient, timely and portable solutions. Mike Pipe,...

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