Breakfast cereals

The fortifiers and the non-fortifiers - who is doing what when it comes to folic acid and neural tube defects? © / eyegelb

Special edition: Gender-specific nutrition

Folic acid fortification: The current global state of play

By Lynda Searby

To date 75 countries globally have implemented mandatory fortification programmes for folic acid with the aim of preventing neural tube defects (NTDs) in babies. Yet despite growing calls from NGOs, health experts and researchers, the 28 EU member countries...


CFSAF: 'Gen Mills was forced to make decision because of Senate’s failure to act'

General Mills and Mars to roll out GMO labeling nationwide as Vermont deadline looms: 'We can’t label our products for only one state'

By Elaine Watson

It was prompted by pragmatism, rather than an ideological shift, but General Mills and Mars have resolved to roll out GMO labeling nationwide as Congress has proved unable to hammer out a federal solution that all stakeholders can get behind before new...

Survey: Australians fed up with fad diets

Survey: Australians fed up with fad diets

By RJ Whitehead

The overwhelming majority of Australians are fed up with food trends and fad diets, with 94% of them viewing these as status symbols, according to research.

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