Regulation, policy & food safety

A retrospective look at acrylamide busting since the introductions of the Regulation last year. Pic: ©GettyImages/MAIKA 777

A year in review

How far has the industry come since the introduction of (EU) 2017/2158?

By Gill Hyslop

It has been a year since the European Commission Regulation came into force on April 11 2018, obliging food business operators (FBOs) to apply acrylamide mitigation measures. Despite calls for the EU to take a tougher stance, manufacturers are stepping...

The Gluten Intolerance Group predicts the industry will plateau within five years as the diet turns to medical necessity over fad. Pic: ©GettyImages/bellabrend

Certification matters now more than ever: Gluten Intolerance Group

By Kristine Sherred

The gluten-free market has tapered off in the past five years as consumer tastes evolve and nutritionists recommend a diet higher in whole grains. However, for three million Americans who are celiacs or gluten-intolerant, the medical reality of a gluten-free...

Bühler joins Future Food Initiative. Pic: Bühler

Givaudan, Nestlé and Bühler join Future Food Initiative

By Jenny Eagle

The Swiss federal institutes of technology ETH Zürich and EPFL (Ecole polytechnique féderale de Lausanne) have launched Future Food – A Swiss Research Initiative (“Future Food Initiative”) with Givaudan, Nestlé and Bühler.

The Italian government is enforcing a new labeling law to distinguish between fresh bread and those that have undergone 'preservative' methods to increase shelf life. Pic: ©GettyImages/benidio

Italy enforces fresh bread labeling law

By Gill Hyslop

Italy is to enforce a new labeling law today (December 19) to distinguish fresh bread from products that have been ‘preserved for prolonged durability’.

Bread is so much more than just the staff of life. Pic: ©GettyImages/Lo-verm/Robin Olimb

Trendspotting: Bread is back, yeah, baby, yeah!

By Gill Hyslop

Facebook IQ’s 2019 Topics & Trends Report confirmed what BakeryandSnacks had picked up on long ago: bread’s renaissance is a rising, hot topic on social media.

Sainsbury's denies selling 'burnt' bread, purporting it's 'very popular.' Pic: ©GettyImages/milosluz

Sainsbury's claims 'well fired' bread does not pose a cancer risk

By Gill Hyslop

The major UK retail chain has told BakeryandSnacks it's blackened loaves are well within limit following criticizm by The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) for selling bread that could contain higher than recommended levels of acrylamide.

© GettyImages/junpinzon

'Patchy' roll-out of WHO advice on junk food marketing

By Niamh Michail

European uptake of World Health Organisation (WHO) recommendations on junk food marketing to children has been "patchy" in part because of intense private sector lobbying, according to a WHO report.

The EWG has conducted a second round of tests on popular oat-based breakfast cereals. Pic: ©GettyImages/Anna Pustynnikova

Dozens more breakfast cereals and snacks test positive for glyphosate

By Gill Hyslop

Following the discovery of glyphosate in several breakfast cereals in August, a second round of testing by the Environmental Working Group (EWP) has found the cancer-linked herbicide in a swathe of popular oat-based cereals and snacks marketed to kids.

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