Regulation, policy & food safety

Much of Turkey's food regulation is harmonised with EU law making it a hassle-free country to do business  - although there are some notable exceptions, such as GMOs, nutrient profiles and maximum salt levels. © iStock

Spotlight on Turkish regulation: 'It's an easy market to enter'

By Niamh Michail

Harmonisation of Turkish and EU food law make it an easy and attractive market for foreign companies, but on issues that affect public health - such as nutrient profiles, health claims, GM food and salt reduction - the country is forging its own path. FoodNavigator...

Schneider Electric to pay biggest Superfund penalty in EPA history

$6.87m penalty for allegedly violating cleanup operation

Schneider Electric to pay biggest Superfund penalty in EPA history

By Jenny Eagle

The US Justice Department, EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has confirmed Schneider Electric USA will pay a $6.87m penalty for allegedly violating a cleanup operation.

TTIP could damage food safety, protected origin foods and flood the EU market with cheap beef and dairy imports, Friends of the Earth has warned. Photo: iStock

TTIP – a nail in the coffin for EU food producers?

By David Burrows

The big winners of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) deal will be the corporate food giants and US factory farms with European producers set to lose the most, according to Friends of the Earth. "Entire sectors are at risk...

The fortifiers and the non-fortifiers - who is doing what when it comes to folic acid and neural tube defects? © / eyegelb

Special edition: Gender-specific nutrition

Folic acid fortification: The current global state of play

By Lynda Searby

To date 75 countries globally have implemented mandatory fortification programmes for folic acid with the aim of preventing neural tube defects (NTDs) in babies. Yet despite growing calls from NGOs, health experts and researchers, the 28 EU member countries...

MEPs have voted to re-authorise the controversial pesticide glyphosate for another seven years in the EU. © iStock

MEPs give glyphosate green light – with caveats

By David Burrows

The European Parliament has voted in favour of re-authorising the use of glyphosate – the weedkiller that almost two thirds of consumers want to see banned - but have limited this approval to seven years.

© / Piero Cruciatti

Inaugural meeting of micronutrients and health group

UK MP to lobby for folic acid action

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

A UK member of parliament (MP) will lobby for folic acid strategies including supplementation and/or fortification of flour following the inaugural meeting of a parliamentary group on micronutrients and health.

 A commission source said member states focused in particular on the safety issue of co-formulants and tallowamines during the committee discussion. © iStock / Mihajlo Maricic

EU delays glyphosate decision amid cancer concerns

By Niamh Michail

The European Commission delayed making a decision on glyphosate yesterday as four member states, including the EU Presidency-holding Netherlands, said they would vote against renewing Monsanto's licence, leaving campaigners claiming a temporary victory. 

Will the UK follow in Sweden's footsteps with mandatory vitamin D fortification? © / Zerbor

UK spotlight falls on mandatory vitamin D fortification

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The re-emergence of the Victorian-era condition rickets in the UK has put the spotlight back on vitamin D intakes, and a recent advisory committee report will likely spur debate on the need for mandatory fortification.

“Obesity has become the new major discussion about the causes of diseases in various populations,

Online tool shows global scale of obesity-related cancer

By Niamh Michail

The impact of obesity on cancer rates across the world – and how many cases could have been prevented – is made clear with an online data tool, launched by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) last month.

Commission report backs a legal limit for trans fat

Commission report backs a legal limit for trans fat

By Niamh Michail

A limit on permitted levels of industrial trans fats in food is the most effective way to reduce Europeans' risk of heart disease, says the European Commission in its long-awaited report - but it does not say what that limit should be.

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