
© World Obesity Federation


‘Yo-yo diet’ weight gain may be caused by gut bacteria

By Nathan GRAY

Rapid post-diet weight gain, often referred to as yo-yo dieting, could be a result of obesogenic gut bacteria which remain even after weight loss, say researchers who hope their findings could help to stop weight gain after dieting.

The problem is healthy fats present food structure problems when replacing other fats. X-ray could help. ©iStock

X-ray fat for formulation wins?

By Natalie Morrison

Food scientists are X-raying fats in a bid to understand how saturated and trans-fats can be replaced by healthier versions without compromising taste or texture.

'The presence of a food matrix had a significant effect on polyphenol bioaccessibility from almond skin in both the gastric and duodenal environments.' ©iStock

Food affects almond skin polyphenol release: Study

By Eliot Beer

Milk may significantly lower the release of polyphenols from almond skins during digestion, while consuming almond skins with food also has a significant effect on their release, according to a study.

Diabetics should be wary of paleo diet ‘hype’


Diabetics should be wary of paleo diet ‘hype’

By Gary Scattergood

The Australian Diabetes Society president has said people with type 2 diabetes should be wary of social media hype about the benefits of going on the paleo diet, arguing there have been no trials going beyond 12 weeks.

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Olive-sourced hydroxytyrosol effective in biscuits: Study

By Lynda Searby

Olive oil phenol hydroxytyrosol has been shown to be highly bioavailable and to lower oxidised LDL (low density lipoprotein) levels when incorporated into biscuits, suggesting functional food applications could be on the horizon for this EFSA-backed polyphenol. 

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