
Multiple emulsions backed for functional food development

Multiple emulsions backed for functional food development

By Nathan Gray

Better use of multiple emulsion systems could help industry to develop better functional foods by reducing levels of fat, sugar and salt whilst also providing ways to incorporate bioactive compounds, researchers say.

Food-grade sorghum confirmed safe for celiac sufferers - backed with genetic and biochemical evidence

Sorghum is celiac-safe: Study

By Kacey Culliney

The cereal grain sorghum is a safe food for consumers with celiac disease and therefore ideal for gluten-free formulations, new research finds.

Texture and fullness: The psychology of satiety

Texture and fullness: The psychology of satiety

By Nathan Gray

Texture is important for the liking of a food, but it also offers valuable clues to our expected feelings of fullness. Now experts believe that subtle alterations in food texture can trick us into feeling fuller for longer.

Natural antifungals from sourdough fermentation have food potential

Natural antifungals from sourdough have food potential: Researchers

By Nathan Gray

Powerful antifungal compounds produced from linoleic acid found in bread flour are the key reason for sourdough bread’s mould resistant properties, and have potential to be used in a host of food and agricultural applications, say researchers.

Can fiber continue its upward trajectory to rock star status?

Special edition: Fiber

Can fiber continue its upward trajectory to rock star status?


Consumer demand for fiber-rich products is predicted to continue to sky rocket, with some industry observers claiming fiber will have ‘rock star’ status for the food and nutrition industries.

Flaxseed shows blood pressure-lowering potential: Study

Flaxseed shows blood pressure-lowering potential: Study

By Stephen Daniells

Daily consumption of flaxseed-fortified bakery products may reduce blood pressure levels in patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD), suggests new data presented at the November American Heart Association 2012 Scientific Sessions.

Scientists develop obesity-combating bread wheat

Scientists develop obesity-combating bread wheat

By Oliver Nieburg

Researchers have developed modified bread and durum wheat that they claim could combat obesity and diabetes using a non-genetically modified technology known as ‘TILING’.

To make Tagatose, Nutrilab NV hydrolyzes lactose from whey permeate into glucose and galactose. This is then followed by an isomerization process of galactose using an L-arabinose isomerase

Scientists report 'guidelines' for tagatose use in food and beverages

By Stephen Daniells

Using tagatose to sweeten food and drink products has taken a step forward as Korean scientists report the ‘first quantitative data on the relationship between the sweetness of tagatose and sucrose over a range of sweetness levels commonly encountered...

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