Industry voices

Generation Africa's agripreneurs are a testament to Africa’s innovative vision in action. Pic: Generation Africa

The groundbreaking innovations coming out of Africa

By Gill Hyslop

The ‘Kraken’ - the world’s most advanced palm nut de-sheller; scaling up Madagascar’s spice and herb value chains to benefit poor households; and a disease-free potato strain to combat Africa’s potato shortage are among the winners of Generation Africa’s...

Scientists have, for the first time, identified the key taste and aroma compounds of rye sourdough bread crumb using the sensomics approach. Pic: GettyImages

Scientists decode the 10 key tastes and 11 odours of sourdough

By Gill Hyslop

Using the genomics concepts, a combination of instrumental-analytical techniques and sensory analyses, scientists have decoded the secrets of sourdough - which they believe can be used as ‘a kind of blueprint’ for the replication of sourdough breads in...

Today's shopper has an entire world of information at their fingertips to find out the history and benefits of the ingredients used within a product in an instant. Pic: GettyImages

The rise of the digital snacker

By Gill Hyslop

Technological advancements have opened seemingly infinite possibilities for innovation within the snack and bakery industry. We’re in a new era of food manufacturing with the ability to create a more connected experience for consumers and more efficient...

NatureBox has provided more than 3.5 million consumers with snacks at home. Pic: NatureBox

NatureBox is betting on big flavours to boost the snacks scene

By Gill Hyslop

From pickled strawberries to black tahini and the complex heat of ethic spices, the subscription-based healthy snack producer contends that staying on top of flavour trends will be key in grabbing a piece of the $100bn action.

Many of the UK's biggest industrial bakery manufacturers are stepping up to achieve net zero status. Pic: GettyImages

The UK bakery manufacturers aiming to hit that net zero target

By Gill Hyslop

UK government data shows that nearly a third of the UK’s largest businesses have pledged to tackle climate change by eliminating their contribution to carbon emissions by 2050, with several bakery operations standing up to be counted among them.

Don’t get caught in the greenwashing trap

Don’t get caught in the greenwashing trap

By Gill Hyslop

Despite high inflation, the majority of consumers are happy to pay more for products with a sustainable backstory. So there’s money to be made from environmental credentials, which makes falling into the greenwashing trap a bigger temptation than ever...

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