
Chewing the Fat: How big is gluten-free?

Chewing the Fat: How big is gluten-free?

The Chewing the Fat series has the FoodNavigator team getting its teeth into food issues. The gluten-free market is set to continue its expansion in the coming years, fuelled by better diagnosis and a fad for gluten-free foods. The FoodNavigator editorial...

Could sugar shake off its bad boy image?

Could sugar shake off its bad boy image?

Sugar could be shedding its bad boy image to take a surprise spot on the public’s list of trusted ingredients, as manufacturers look to appeal to more savvy consumers.

What's driving private labels?

What's driving private labels?

In recent years the share of private label goods sold by retailers has been on the rise, reaching almost 50 per cent in traditional retailers. The FoodNavigator editorial team discusses what's driving the trend, and what it means for big brand manufacturers.

Cargill vs Chavez: Clash of the rice titans

Cargill vs Chavez: Clash of the rice titans

Clutched to the president’s chest like a medal of nationalisation, Cargill Venezuela cannot be sitting very comfortably this week as it awaits the fate of its rice plant.

ICC president discusses challenges facing cereal science in 2009

ICC president discusses challenges facing cereal science in 2009

By Lindsey Partos

In the first of a two-part interview, award-winning scientist Professor Dr John Taylor, and 2009-2010 president of leading cereal science organisation, the International Association for Cereal Science and Technology (ICC), sheds light on the key issues...

Changing the tune on GM

Changing the tune on GM

The GM debate at times seems much like the Hokey Cokey (or Pokey, if you’re US-based). There’s been a lot of putting in, some putting out, and quite a lot of shaking things all about, but as of yet, there hasn’t really been a turnaround and definitely...

What labelling scheme(s) should Europe allow?

Dispatches from FDF labelling debate

What labelling scheme(s) should Europe allow?

Debate is heating up about the best way to present nutrition information on food labels throughout the EU as lawmakers hammer out the details of new legislation. The Food and Drink Federation gives a view from industry.

No room for functional foods gloom

No room for functional foods gloom

Last week’s withdrawal of a high-profile functional food in France is disappointing for the company concerned and maybe for the healthy/functional foods industry, but you may be led to think differently if you happen to be a reader of the UK broadsheet,...

In praise of pesticides

In praise of pesticides

By Mike Stones

Who likes pesticides? Misunderstood by consumers and misrepresented by pressure groups, pesticides are a soft target for legislators. The latest blow to that soft target could have hard consequences for the European food industry and for developing countries.

The invincibles – recession proof food and healthy eating

The invincibles – recession proof food and healthy eating

By Sarah Hills

There are fears that in the economic crisis consumers will put on “recession pounds” by eating unhealthily. Rightly or wrongly, food manufacturers may suffer the blame but “unhealthy” and “recession proof” do not necessarily go hand-in-hand.

Bread to withstand economic gloom

Bread to withstand economic gloom

Bread sales are expected to be resilient against the economic downturn as consumers still see it as a good value food, according to the director of a bakers’ association.

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