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ICC president discusses challenges facing cereal science in 2009

ICC president discusses challenges facing cereal science in 2009

By Lindsey Partos

In the first of a two-part interview, award-winning scientist Professor Dr John Taylor, and 2009-2010 president of leading cereal science organisation, the International Association for Cereal Science and Technology (ICC), sheds light on the key issues...

Changing the tune on GM

Changing the tune on GM

The GM debate at times seems much like the Hokey Cokey (or Pokey, if you’re US-based). There’s been a lot of putting in, some putting out, and quite a lot of shaking things all about, but as of yet, there hasn’t really been a turnaround and definitely...

What labelling scheme(s) should Europe allow?

Dispatches from FDF labelling debate

What labelling scheme(s) should Europe allow?

Debate is heating up about the best way to present nutrition information on food labels throughout the EU as lawmakers hammer out the details of new legislation. The Food and Drink Federation gives a view from industry.

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