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Recycling boost for Wales

Recycling boost for Wales

By Mike Stones

More than 1.1m tonnes of waste will be saved from disposal in landfill sites over the next three years thanks to a new initiative from recycling specialists in Wales, Waste and Resources Action Programme, Cymru.

Food safety reform: Not a century too soon

Food safety reform: Not a century too soon

On a summer’s day in 1906 Theodore Roosevelt pushed through new food safety regulation. The Food and Drugs Act passed that day over 100 years ago was the last time the US food safety system was modernized.

Who’s hoodwinked by a healthy halo?

Who’s hoodwinked by a healthy halo?

What does health taste like? As a kid, I was encouraged to hold my nose and swallow down broad beans and cod-liver oil. If they tasted bad, it was only ‘cos they were good for me.

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