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Krave's new meat bars fit the on-the-go snack trend.  Pic: Krave

Krave enters savory bar sector with new meat snacks

By Douglas Yu

Premium meat snack brand, Krave, has brought its first bar line to CVS stores and other retailers across the US, as the company believed there are few savory options existing in the snack bar category.

Ethical labelling is under scrutiny like never before in the wake of documented abuses. But its promise remains strong. ©iStock/Antonio_Diaz

Ethical certification promises much - but it's been a tough year

By David Burrows

Back in 2014 I interviewed Hans Jöhr, who at the time was corporate head of agriculture at Nestlé. We had a (refreshingly) open discussion about certification schemes. Some of them are “cheating consumers” and “cannot help farmers be better farmers per...

We seek an agile mind to report on the ever-evolving, ever-important world of nutrition...could it be you? ©iStock/BrianAJackson

NutraIngredients is hiring


Can you break news in multiple formats? Are you comfortable interviewing a CEO or Greenpeace protester, food scientist, politician or legal hound? Do you have the temperament to handle daily deadlines as you work on Europe’s leading nutrition sector publication?...

Picture credit: BillerudKorsnäs

‘Biggest growth area for liquid packaging is southeast Asia’

BillerudKorsnäs to build ‘world’s largest’ packaging board machine for $622m

By Jenny Eagle

BillerudKorsnäs, which manufactures confectionery, snacks and beverage packaging, is investing  SEK 5.7bn ($622.25m) in a KM7 (Karton Machine) to produce liquid board, cartonboard and liner at its factory in Gruvön, Sweden, to start operations in Q1,...

General Mills has been using a cost-cutting strategy to make itself financially more attractive to potential buyers, Euromonitor speculated. Pic: ©iStock/Wolterk

General Mills likely to be overtaken by 3G, analysts speculate

By Douglas Yu

Brazilian multibillion-dollar investment firm, 3G Capital, is likely to target General Mills for its next acquisition move, after it helped Heinz take over Kraft Foods for $40bn alongside Warren Buffett-owned Berkshire Hathaway last year.


Industry backs ban of online junk food ads for children

By Louis Gore-Langton

Industry has given its support to a new ruling by the UK's Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP) on marketing junk food to children that will increase restrictions to cover non-broadcast media, including print, cinema and online social media.

“Careful selection of the right cultures in yoghurts and cheeses can potentially eliminate thickeners like carrageenan, or antifungals such as sorbic acid.” ©iStock

Looking to nature for better ‘clean label’ reformulation

By Nathan GRAY

Industry should look closer at nature’s solutions for current reformulation challenges by mapping out all the possible functionalities of ingredients already present in foods, says Dr Aidan Craigwood, consultant at Innovia Technology.

© World Obesity Federation


‘Yo-yo diet’ weight gain may be caused by gut bacteria

By Nathan GRAY

Rapid post-diet weight gain, often referred to as yo-yo dieting, could be a result of obesogenic gut bacteria which remain even after weight loss, say researchers who hope their findings could help to stop weight gain after dieting.

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