Quick bites: How Doughlicious is shaking up the frozen snacking market

By Gill Hyslop

- Last updated on GMT

'We’re aiming for ‘global doughmination’!': Kathryn Bricken, founder of Doughlicious - The London Dough Company
'We’re aiming for ‘global doughmination’!': Kathryn Bricken, founder of Doughlicious - The London Dough Company
Kathryn Bricken is making a serious mark in the world of snacks. As the founder of Doughlicious – The London Dough Company, she’s taking cookie dough to a whole new level.
Doughlicious 1

Bricken is shaking up the cookie dough sector with her innovative brand, Doughlicious.

Originally from Miami, Florida, she brought her passion for American-style cookie dough to the UK, creating indulgent yet healthier treats that have captured global attention. Since launching in 2014, Doughlicious has grown from a home kitchen operation to a rapidly expanding business, with a 200% sales increase in 2023 alone, making it the fastest-growing brand in the Frozen Snacking Category.

What’s behind her recipe for success?

Bakery&Snacks caught up with Bricken to discuss her journey, her inspirations and the future of cookie dough.

What inspired you to start the brand in London?

When I moved to the UK, my friends would ask me to bake them a really good American-style chocolate chip cookie. While doing so, I noticed a gap in the market – there wasn’t anything like the gooey, fresh-baked cookie dough experience you could find in the US, especially something you could bake at home with no added refined sugars or preservatives.

I wanted to create something delicious but also healthier than what was available. The response to my recipe was overwhelming and that’s when I decided to turn my passion into a business. Doughlicious was born from this love of sharing my spin on the classic American cookie but with a healthier twist.

What key factors do you believe have driven Doughlicious’ success?

First and foremost, taste is critical. Our focus has always been on creating products that are not just delicious but indulgent. Whether it’s our cookie dough or our gelato bites, people love that every bite feels like a treat.

But beyond indulgence, today’s consumers also care about what goes into their snacks. We use high-quality, natural ingredients, which makes our products better-for-you without sacrificing flavor. That combination of indulgence and wholesome ingredients is something our consumers appreciate.

How did you manage to scale Doughlicious from a home kitchen operation to a global brand?

Doughlicious Chocolate_Chip.1[1]

Scaling was a significant challenge, especially when it came to finding a manufacturer that could replicate the quality of my homemade cookies.

After much research, I realized that no third-party manufacturer could meet my standards, so I decided to set up our own manufacturing facility. This allowed us to maintain complete control over the quality and consistency of our products. It was a more complicated and time-consuming route, but I knew it was the only way to stay true to our brand’s promise.

Along the way, I built a fantastic team, learned about my strengths and weaknesses, and realized that surrounding myself with talented, knowledgeable people was crucial for growth.

Understanding the nuances of each market has been key to our success abroad – Kathryn Bricken

What sets Doughlicious apart from other brands?

What truly differentiates us is our commitment to quality. We use only the finest natural ingredients and because we own our production facility, we can ensure that every product that leaves our doors is up to our high standards.

Additionally, we’re more than just a cookie company – we’ve created a platform of products that happen to be better-for-you. Whether it’s our gluten-free cookie dough or our gelato bites, we don’t compromise on taste and I think that’s what keeps customers coming back.

How do you approach product innovation and what inspires your new creations?

Inspiration for new products comes from a variety of sources. We’re fortunate to have an active and loyal customer base that engages with us through social media. Our consumers are vocal about what they want to see next and we take their feedback seriously.

Our team also constantly explores new flavor combinations and textures to keep things fresh and exciting.

Ultimately, it’s about striking a balance between indulgence and better-for-you options, and listening to what our consumers crave helps guide us in that direction.

With the rise of health-conscious eating, how do you balance indulgence with the demand for healthier options?

I believe there doesn’t have to be a compromise. For example, our cookie dough uses British oats as the main ingredient, which are naturally gluten-free. And we’re constantly tweaking recipes to ensure they’re both delicious and nutritious. It’s about showing people that they can enjoy an indulgent treat without feeling guilty about what they’re eating.

How you respond to setbacks will define your success – Kathryn Bricken.

Can you share any upcoming products or flavors that Doughlicious is working on?

We have some exciting things in the pipeline. Our Cookie Dough & Gelato Bites ​have been a huge hit and we’re working on expanding that range with new flavor combinations.

We’re also innovating within our ready-to-bake and grab-and-go cookie lines. There’s something about that perfect balance of convenience and indulgence that people love, so we’re keeping that at the core of our upcoming launches.

Your products are distributed in the UK, US, Australia and in selected EU countries. What strategies have been key to your international expansion? Have you had to adapt your products or marketing strategies for different regions?

Kathryn Bricken Doughlicious

Interestingly, our cookie dough has broad appeal across multiple markets, so we haven’t had to make significant adjustments to the product itself.

However, we’ve learned that marketing strategies can differ slightly based on regional preferences. In some regions, consumers may prefer more premium positioning, while in others, we focus on convenience and accessibility.

Understanding the nuances of each market has been key to our success abroad.

What lessons have you learned as a producer and what advice would you give to aspiring food entrepreneurs?

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is the importance of staying humble and grounded. No matter how successful you become, it’s important to remember that it’s a team effort and no one person can do it all.

Building a strong team is crucial. Surround yourself with people who are smarter than you in different areas and never stop learning from them.

Also, resilience is key – there will be setbacks, but how you respond to them will define your success. For aspiring food entrepreneurs, I’d say: trust your instincts, remain passionate about your product and always prioritize quality.

Where do you see Doughlicious five years from now?

We’re aiming for ‘global doughmination’!

Our goal is to expand into new markets while continuing to innovate and refine our product range. We want Doughlicious to be synonymous with indulgent, better-for-you cookie dough and we’re on track to make that vision a reality. We’re excited about the future and can’t wait to see where this journey takes us.

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