Ball to close food can production facility

Ball Corporation says it will close a food can production facility in Springdale, Arkansas, in Q4 2017.

"Given the overall decline in food can demand, our Springdale food can operations are no longer sustainable and we are electing to focus our remaining local plant resources on our growing aerosol business," said Jim Peterson, COO, food and aerosol packaging, Ball.

"We will continue maximizing value in our food business and accelerating profitable growth in our global aerosol business."

The Springdale plant will continue to produce and assemble aerosol cans, cut and coat flat sheet steel, and produce components used by other Ball food and aerosol facilities.

The plant's affected employees will be provided benefits, including outplacement and severance pay, in accordance with company policies.

They also can apply for open positions within Ball.

Ball Corporation and its subsidiaries employ 18,450 people worldwide and 2016 net sales were $9.1bn.