BANUS to develop three functional barrier layers for food packaging

BANUS has been given a €1m grant over a 24-month period to develop multilayer structures for food packaging using functional barrier layers regardless of the quality of the recycled material.

The research organisation for SMEs is funded under the 7th Framework Programme, which was set up in July 2013 and includes nine participants; Innventia, Bobino Plastique, MTM Plastics, Delta Print & Packaging, Bumaga and Heliomur Scoop, Fundacion Cluster Agroalimentario de la Region de Murcia, AVEP and AIMPLAS.

Future packaging applications

AIMPLAS is the Technological Institute of Plastics located in Valencia, a not-for-profit research association which has the objective of acting as a technological partner with companies in all sectors related to plastics, R&D projects and technological services.

María José Badenas Romero, researcher, AIMPLAS Chemical Laboratory, told FoodProductionDaily,  it will create three specific multilayer structures but the knowledge gained during the project could be applied in the future.

A functional barrier may be defined as a structure of one or more layers, which either reduces the migration of authorized substances below their specific migration limit (SML) or reduces the migration of non-authorised substances into foods or food simulants to a not detectable level (fixed in Regulation 10/2011 in 0.01 mg/kg foodstuff or simulant)," she said.

The BANUS project will help to overcome existing limitations regarding the use of recycled materials in food contact applications. This will contribute to increased competitiveness of both European recycling and packaging industries by developing a more economical and sustainable product."

Non-authorized recycling processes

BANUS will look at how it can guarantee food safety when using recycled materials (plastic and paper) including those from non-authorized recycling processes in food packaging structures.

The project will consider the substitution of a percentage of virgin material by recycled material (paper or plastic) in the selected structures to develop more environmental friendly food packaging.

We started the project last July and initially we have been working on the definition of the three packaging structures that will be developed. We have established the materials and their thickness so far,” added Romero.

During the coming months we will be focusing on the development of the three case studies. What is important to us is to identify the contaminants that will be used for the challenge test. Also, the initial multilayer samples containing contaminated materials that will be prepared to evaluate the migration of the different contaminants.”

BANUS will use the results to achieve new functionalities and create potential markets for traditional recycling companies across Europe.

Source: Title: ‘Definition and development of functional barriers for the use of recycled materials in multilayer food packaging.’

Date: 1/7/2014 to 30/6/2016

Project reference: 606572

Funded under: FP7-SME-2013