The announcement was made at Interpack 2014, in Dusseldorf, Germany, this week.
The Coca-Cola Company
Okoroafor is one of the CPG industry's most prominent packaging experts on food and beverage.
He joined Heinz in 2008 from The Coca-Cola Company, where he had a number of roles including director, global packaging R&D responsible for packaging technologies for Foodservice, Design & Decoration and Packaging Lab Services.
After confirming support for the exhibition, PMMI has entered into a joint venture agreement with Ipack-Ima Spa.
“We’re very excited about this new venture with Ipack-Ima,” said Charles Yuska, president/CEO, PMMI.
New growth areas
“We’re entering East Africa at a time when the economic landscape is changing and seeing new growth areas."
East Afripack will be held from September 9-12, in Nairobi, Kenya.
According to market research Ipack-Ima commissioned from UNIDO, Africa shows a strong and urgent propensity to invest in technology to face enormous competition for their products and needs skilled labor capable of implementing international standards.
Combined, the EAC nations have a real GDP of more than $43bn, and East Africa’s middle class has more than tripled over the last three decades.