Vorne: Six big OEE losses

Vorne Industries has created a series of Improvement Topics on operational efficiency, which are free to download in pdf format on the internet and has already attracted 24,000 views.

Topics include Down Time Tips, Top Losses, Short Interval Control, Leadership, Improve the Constraint, Single-Minute Exchange of Dies and Overall Equipment Effectiveness.

Adrian Pask,OEE Consultant, Vorne Industries, told FoodProductionDaily.com the objective is to simplify improvement techniques and provide useful tools that genuinely help people improve.

Manufacturing improvement

We believe that while there are many great resources for manufacturing improvement on the web. We want to offer practical guidance to help manufacturing companies improve,” he said.

According to Vorne, the six big OEE losses are the most common causes of efficiency loss in manufacturing, which can affect downtime, speed or quality of a product.

They are; Breakdowns; Set up and Adjustments; Small Stops; Reduced Speed; Startup Rejects and Production Rejects.

For example, rejects during a warm-up, startup or other early production may be due to improper setup or warm-up period and reduced speed is anything that keeps the process from running at its theoretical maximum speed (Ideal Run Rate or Nameplate Capacity).

The majority of conversations we have are from businesses who want to learn how to drive equipment productivity,” added Pask.

Dr Eli Goldratt

We frequently talk about concepts such as Lean Manufacturing and Dr Eli Goldratt's‘ Theory of Constraints’, and how manufacturing can capture and use real time information to improve decision making on the factory floor but we need to embed these skills sustainably into a team.

It’s about consistency. When a team can accurately identify their losses and prioritise actions, they can consistently deploy the right tools to improve productivity across multiple shifts, lines, teams, and divisions”.

Vorne plans to launch a set of guidelines each quarter with the next one focusing on Great Meetings; how to hold effective production meetings; Structured Reviews; how to create a sustainable process for driving improvement, OEE Six Big Losses; how to capture and use OEE loss, and Best of the Best; a simple process for setting incremental improvement targets for teams.

The brochures are non-commercial and the company plans to expand these into training materials and videos which people can buy.

Hard copies of the booklets are available via post on request. Click here for more information.