Fresher Evolution HPP reached across the ocean to partner with a Chinese firm to come up with high-pressure processing (HPP) technology that offers longer component life. HPP is gaining ground with food firms around the globe, as it promises the possibility of extending the shelf life of natural food products, with fewer chemicals.
Longer useful life
Eric Lockovitch is vice president of business development for All Natural Freshness, the company that joined forces partnered with Michigan-based Fresher Evolution in the design of key HPP components (such as the material handlings and baskets). He said the company’s Evolution Series HPP machines are intended to be a step up from equipment currently on the market.
“The machines are designed to last longer, and be more cost effective to meet the increasing demands of the marketplace," he said.
The company turned to Chinese HPP engineering firm BaoTou KeFa High Pressure Technology to merge their technological minds and engineer HPP that improved upon existing technology. Their work centered on the machine’s high-pressure vessel, or autofrettage, component.
Long component life
Adrian Staruszkiewicz, lead engineer on the product, said the goal was to create a high-pressure vessel component capable of enduring a high number of cycles.
“After doing much research into the autofrettage process I was convinced that our goal would be to create a vessel with an infinite number of cycles,” he said.
While the 460,000-cycle vessel the partnership ended up with is not quite infinite, “it definitely sets a new standard," Staruszkiewicz said.