Citres to replace tinplate with PP jars

With a focus on turnover in Northern Europe, Citres has partnered with RPC to produce polypropylene jars (PP) jars for its pesto, sauces, olives and vegetables.

The RPC jars all feature a multilayer PP/EVOH/PP that can be pasteurised and sterilised to provide a long shelf life.

Angelo Mis, sales manager for Italy, Citres, said the company wanted to set up a plan for customers who have restricted and, in certain cases, banned glass in foodservice kitchens, and introduce ecological, safe, lightweight jars.

Our goal now is to replace tinplate, which does not meet our requirements in terms of safety and practicality,” he said.

Plans for expansion

RPC is supplying its 100g (Classic Jar) for Pesto and Sauces, the 2400g (Thermic Ultra) for Olives, Sliced Artichokes and Dried Tomatoes, and the 3800g (Amgall) for sliced and diced vegetables.

The jars are produced by RPC Corby and RPC Kutenholz, with caps from RPC Halstead.

Mis said Citres plans to develop its packaging even further with packaging that  meets its requirements for long shelf life (up to 36 months), lightness, resealability, recyclability and easy opening, while maintaining the freshness of its products.

Positive feedback

He said reaction to the packaging has been met with positive feedback from both customers and consumers.

At a time when the market for products in brine and oil has hardly seen any innovation, we are demonstrating what can be achieved,” he added.

The results have already been very good and have enabled us to further develop our products and recipes with new introductions.”