Neutec Group to distribute VideometerLab 3

By Jenny EAGLE

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The VideometerLab 3
The VideometerLab 3
Denmark based Videometer, which manufactures multi-spectral imaging equipment has signed an agreement with Neutec Group to become its sole distributor in the US.

Speaking to​ at the IFT in Chicago, Jens Michael Carstensen, technical director, Videometer said this was the first time the VideometerLab 3 had been launched in North America. 

The system measures surface colour, texture, shape, size and chemical composition using strobed LED technology depending on the application.

Bio technology

The key area for us is cereal manufacturers and food ingredients.  VideometerLab version 1 came out in 2005 and we are well known in northern Europe. We have only been in the US market for less than a year but we already have a few installations​,” said Carstensen.

We have a non-disclosure agreement with our clients so we can’t reveal which companies we work with but it is related to the food and agriculture business and bio technology​.

By signing a distributor agreement with Nuetec Group we hope to expand further into the US​.”

VideometerLab 3 combines up to 20 different wavelengths into a single high-resolution multi-spectral image. Every pixel in the image is a spectrum and the system can include wavelengths outside the range detected by traditional RGB technology.

Gushing in beer

It depends on the application, for example, the cereal industry size, shape distribution, foreign matter and purity but the parameters can be measured within 10 seconds and no sample preparation. It’s fast, versatile and non destructive​,” added Carstensen. 

He said its best results so far came from fungus detection of micro toxins producing fungi and gushing in beer.

The machines are made in batches every month from the company’s factory in Copenhagen.

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