The VertiFresh standing salad bowl for the chilled retail convenience sector is manufactured from super-cleaned rPET.
The firm has also developed vacuum skin packs (VSPs) to combine the extended shelf life benefits of vacuum skin technologies with rigid tray sealed pre-formed rPET and polypropylene (PP) trays.
Salad bowl choice
The salad bowl comes with a choice of inserts so that the manufacturer can add meat or fish, a topping or dressing while keeping it separate from salad leaves.
Linpac launched the Freshware range at the start of the year to take advantage of demand for chilled retail and prepared convenience foods.
It offer packaging for prepared fruit and salads, dips, sandwich fillers, fresh pasta, pizza, prepared vegetables, chilled bakery, cooked meats and prepared fish.
Competitive sector
Joanna Stephenson, vice president innovation and marketing at Linpac, said the sector is highly competitive but were confident they could gain a foothold in the market.
“The new vertical standing salad bowl offers retailers the chance to present a great meal choice to consumers whilst being convenient and easy to use.
“The tray inserts mean salads remain fresh and don’t become soggy from dressing or sauces, retaining their fresh, appetising appearance.”
The bowls are available in clear rPET or with a black base to give premium appearance.
Stephenson added changing consumer trends have driven the move.
“People are leading busier lives and want to be able to eat well and enjoy new things without it impacting on their ‘me-time’ despite the recession.
“Eating patterns have changed and people are looking for affordable luxuries.”
Vacuum pack
The vacuum skin packs (VSPs) has been developed as a normal VSP which has a below the flange extrusion, protruding VSP whish is slightly above the flange extrusion and super-protruding VSP – a high protrusion above the flange.
Linpac said when backed by a rigid tray, it provides enhanced consumer appeal, shelf space efficiency and protection in transit and in store.
It provides the extended shelf life benefits of vacuum skin film technologies with the presentation and protection efficiencies of rigid tray sealed pre-formed rPET and PP trays.