Tri-Star unveils tamper-resistant packaging

Tri-Star Packaging has launched a range of tamper-resistant containers designed to offer consumers complete confidence when buying salad and deli items out-of-home.

The packages feature SureStrip, which is a patent-pending mechanism created by Sabert Corporation.

Tri-Pack with SureStrip containers are manufactured from rPET and are available in five sizes – 250ml, 375ml, 600ml, 750ml and 1,000ml – with one lid size to fit all bases.

Kevin Curran, managing director of Tri-Star, said the tamper-resistant design is built into the lid.

“Once you place your food into one of our Tri-Pack with SureStrip containers, you just snap on the lid to secure it. When consumers want to open the package, all they have to do is pull off the strip that's built into the edge of the lid, just as you would a shrink band, and open it right up.”

He added the feature secures freshness and removes the need for heat sealing and shrink banding equipment.