Top performance claimed for new accumulation table

By Mike Stones

- Last updated on GMT

The new AQ-HC accumulation table delivers “unsurpassed performance,” of up to 80,000 bottles/hour, claims its maker, beverage packaging specialist Sidel.

Versatile in its handling capacity, the accumulation table can be used to convey plastic and glass bottles or jars and metal cans in many shapes and sizes including cylindrical, oval and rounded or square shapes.

They are particularly well-suited to handling empty PET bottles that stick together and are easily deformable, causing malfunctions on traditional pressure systems,”​ said a company statement.

Continuous flow

To ensure maximum efficient output, the new device can vary the operating speed of other equipment, compensate for machine shutdowns and manage the continuous flow of products. This avoids the risk of bottlenecks and eliminates congestion on upstream and downstream conveyors.

The low pressure active accumulation system ensures uninterrupted line operation in a small space to guarantee top production efficiency and product quality​,” said the company. Its compact design is claimed to lead to space savings of 33 per cent compared with traditional accumulation systems.

Its speed of operation and compact design results from splitting the accumulation table is split into two opposing flows and using a curved mobile guide in order to obtain variable and dynamic accumulation.

In addition to product protection, in guaranteeing the absence of pressure on bottles, the first in, first out (FIFO) management of product flows allows good product traceability.

Increased responsiveness

The inclusion of a wider inlet is claimed to deliver increased responsiveness which can adapt to large variations in production flows and can readily adapt to large quantities of product at a Combi outlet.

Rapid accumulation relies on the use of ultrasonic sensors sited upstream for the precise detection of flows.

Downstream, a mechatronic drive system, branded as Movigear, controls the quick, smooth variation of conveyor speeds. The compact, open and accessible table is said to allow easy integration into a complete new or existing line.

The AQ-HC package accumulation table is part of Sidel’s AQ-Max range.

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