Vendor monitoring

A major technology breakthrough that allows the remote monitoring of retail vending machines in realtime has been made possible using the Alarm Telelog from UK-based Jekyll Electronic Technology.

A major technology breakthrough that allows the remote monitoring of retail vending machines in realtime has been made possible using the Alarm Telelog from UK-based Jekyll Electronic Technology.

The system is made effective by the continuous monitoring and automatic warning capabilities that allow vending machines to be left unattended in premises.

With the UK vending sector worth over £3 billion per year (€4.27bn), and almost 1 million machines in circulation, there is a demand for a simple, remote monitoring solution that not only safeguards company assets, but also increases convenience and efficiency without being costly.

Alarm Telelog says its system combines stand alone data and status collection, with an integral modem capable of sending SMS text messages of monitoring alarm status to a chosen mobile phone or pager. Although not essential, when a central site is available, logged vending data can be sent directly via a telecommunications link. If any condition goes beyond predefined limits, the alarm text is sent automatically without any intervention from the monitoring centre.

Sensors in vending machines are often placed around coin mechanisms, product dispensers and door locks, however the Telelog gives instant warnings on tampering events or vandalism incidents.

The company also claims that the counting of operations for stock level monitoring minimises wasted journeys, and provides organisations with data on product sales. Such facilities can be added without major modifications to existing electromechanical vending machines.

Customers can choose from a line powered or GSM integral modem. The line power (zero power) model requires no batteries or mains power, making it is simple to install on existing machines, whilst the GSM mobile model uses very little power to operate. The Telelog responds only to predefined calls for authorised access. Four digital inputs extend alarm set-up versatility, while remote diagnostics are said to ease installation and routine remote monitoring schedules.

The Telelog can also connect to other equipment monitors, environment logging systems, leak or overflow detectors, door contacts, programmable logic controllers, tank level indicators, and log pulse inputs from multi-utility meters as part of a true Automated Meter Reading environment.

For more information please contact Dr. Geoff Lawlor.