A lighter shade of apple

US food colour manufacturer D.D. Williamson has developed a caramelised apple product from 100 per cent apple juice concentrate.

US food colour manufacturer D.D. Williamson has developed a caramelised apple product from 100 per cent apple juice concentrate. The company claims that food processors using the caramelised apple product may label it as 100 per cent apple on the ingredients statement.

The firm is currently displaying the product at the Institute of Food Technologists' Annual Meeting and Food Expo in Chicago. The event ends today.

"Our caramelized apple juice concentrate product contributes a flavour to beverage and food products, but its primary use is in adjusting or adding colour to yoghurts, flavours and jellies. It provides a clear, clean apple juice colour," said Owen Parker, vice president for research and development at D.D. Williamson.

"We developed this product in response to our clients' need for clean labeling as 100 per cent apple."

D.D. Williamson operates seven plants on five continents. It manufactures more than 60 different types of caramel colour ranging from pale yellow to tan to reddish-brown to nearly black.

Caramel colour is very popular with yoghurt manufacturers because it is easily soluble and stable at high temperatures. It creates a rich, appetising colour and results in little to no flavour impact in the final product. Lighter colourants such as cocoa powder, malt extract, molasses and soy sauce require adding large amounts that can often detract from the desired flavour.