Lyco Manufacturing, the US processing equipment manufacturer, has introduced the Raging Bull High Speed Peeler for waterless peeling applications.
Waterless vegetable peeling has typically required the use of a rotating cage peeler, which the company claims to be a mechanically complicated and maintenance-intensive peeler design. In contrast, the Raging Bull is mechanically simple. The only moving parts are the rotating abrasive rolls, which are arranged in a stationary U-bed configuration.
Rotating at extremely high speeds, the rolls eject the peelings and 'self clean' without having to be revolved around the cage. With its electric drive and integral full-length auger, the company claims that the Lyco Raging Bull can achieve production rates of up to 100,000 lbs. per hour (depending on product), making it the world's fastest peeler.
Furthermore the company claims that the simple design and robust construction deliver dependable, high volume performance with low maintenance costs. The '2-way flip top' cover can be automatically opened from either side, and the auger lifts with the cover for easy bed access. For waterless peeling operations, such as french fry potato processing, the high productivity and low maintenance costs of the Lyco Raging Bull substantially reduce production cost per pound when compared to other equipment.
The equipment can also be used with water for most peeling applications and the company also claims that one machine can do the same job as three or four conventional U-bed machines.
For more information contact Lyco Manufacturing at