Rexam Beverage Can's Wakefield plant in the UK has introduced Frank Media's Cuedox Corrective Actions Manager system to enhance productivity and safety.
The food and beverage industry has many stringent health and safety regulations and the production process involves a number of risks such as moving machine parts, flammable materials, potentially hazardous emissions, heavy equipment, noise and more. The remit of the Cuedox CAM is to help RBCE to remove, reduce and control these risks and help to provide a safe and rewarding environment for its employees.
The introduction of Cuedox CAM allows RBCE to order and provide a consistent risk management procedure for all health, safety and environmental (HSE) programmes, claims Frank Media. The system means that RBCE can now quickly identify and measure key risks in health, safety, fire safety and property damage, as well as any risk involving the environment in real time.
RBCE provides constant HSE auditing at each plant and employs the services of trained external consultants (such as BVQI) who investigate and test its HSE systems and policies to gauge their effectiveness. These audits identify where continuous improvements can be made. Frank Media claims Cuedox CAM is allowing RBCE to deal effectively with any recommendation programme.
There has been a general acceptance in the industry that it is not simply enough for sites to have policies in place - they must also be working and include adequate training for the employees. The Cuedox architecture is designed for the provision of on-line training and the management and distribution of Rexam policies and work instructions.
The Cuedox CAM tools allow companies such as Rexam to focus on the real-time running history of all activities across production facilities and sites. Employees and action owners can provide a comprehensive commentary on the steps being carried out to a successful conclusion.
Frank Media is a fastest-growing UK-based business and technology consultancy, providing e-business solutions aimed at achieving enhanced employee productivity, customer services, knowledge transfer and improved profitability.