Packaging & packing materials, containers

Ardagh & Exal to form Trivium Packaging. Photo: Ardagh.

Ardagh Group & Exal to form Trivium Packaging

By Jenny Eagle

Ardagh Group has entered into an agreement to combine its Food & Specialty Metal Packaging business with Exal aluminium containers to become Trivium Packaging.

No monkeying about: Kellogg's newest consumer campaign includes one of the first instances of browser-based augmented reality. Pic: Kellogg Company

Kellogg’s goes monochrome with Crayola

By Gill Hyslop

Kellogg’s is inviting Australians to go Snap, Crackle and Pop with color in a joint promotion with the colored crayon and art supplier.

The AIPIA Americas Summit in New Jersey. Photo: Aly Kuler Photography

AIPIA Summit

Social media is changing the way brands think about packaging

By Jenny Eagle

From consumer digital engagement to reverse writing on packaging which appears left to right on selfies, Christopher Houghton, brand innovation and packaging, Cambridge Design Partnership (CDP) highlights the five areas to ensure ‘Context is King’.

Toyo Printing Inks Manisa plant. Photo: Toyo Ink.

Toyo Ink Group to expand in Africa

By Jenny Eagle

Toyo Ink Group has announced plans to open a sales subsidiary in Casablanca, Morocco, to expand across the African continent.

Flat Wine Bottle by Delivering Happiness. Photo: Dow.

Dow opens entries for its 2019 Packaging Innovation Awards

By Jenny Eagle

From a Flat Wine Bottle, to Mix On Command (MOC) Shaker Bag, PaperBoat Thandai Retortable Profile Pouch and KitKat Celebreak box; Dow is on the hunt for this year’s breakthrough designs for its Packaging Innovation Awards 2019.