
Cereal specialists

Cereal specialists

We take a look at the freshly elected officials for the 2003-2004
season at the American Association of Cereal Chemists (AACC) - to
be inaugurated at the organisation's annual meeting later this

Better bread

Better bread

A gene discovered in bread wheat plants by researchers in the US
has been found to be resistant to the devastating leaf blotch.

Fighting fat

Fighting fat

A UK-based task force has called on the food industry to help halt
the rise in obesity and type two diabetes, an issue that the snack
industry will have to follow very closely.

Snack attack

Snack attack

Market analysts Datamonitor believe that snack products represent
the only food market that will experience more growth at home than
out of the home.

A pinch of salt

A pinch of salt

A top heart charity has launched a 'pinch of salt' consumer
awareness campaign in the UK to tackle salt consumption.

BakeMark goes west

BakeMark goes west

BakeMark International is to exhibit in Western Europe for the
first time at iba 2003. The event is one of the largest bakery
industry events of the year.

High-fat foods targeted

High-fat foods targeted

The issue of a tax on high-fat foods hit the headlines in the UK
this week. The BMA is expected to give its support to calls for the
introduction of VAT on products such as biscuits and snack foods.

So, what is fibre?

So, what is fibre?

In the US, the American Association of Cereal Chemists (AACC) is up
in arms this week claiming that new definitions for dietary fibre
compiled by Food Nutrition Board (FNB) are totally inadequate.

Biscuit buyers

Biscuit buyers

Despite an increasingly competitive environment and the impact of a
global economic downturn the biscuits market in Europe is alive and
well, according to a news report from Esmerk.

Acrylamide, one year on

Acrylamide, one year on

Risk assessors from the German Federal Institute for Risk
Assessment (BfR) repeated their call for the levels of acrylamide
in foods to be reduced as far and as quickly as possible. Speaking
one year after the Swedish National Food...

Spreads market wanes

Spreads market wanes

With the demise of breakfasts at home, spreads are coming under
increasing pressure as consumers demand increasingly convenient and
on-the-go foods - reveals the latest report from market analysts

The salt debate

The salt debate

Reviewing current science on salt and its effects on health, UK
scientists say that while there is no proven evidence to support
intake restriction guidelines in the general population, no-one
would be disadvantaged by reducing their...

Bread drives IAWS results

Bread drives IAWS results

The artisan bread sector, and the convenience store baked goods
market in the UK, are likely to drive growth for Irish company IAWS
in the second half after a good performance in the first six

Acrylamide movements

Acrylamide movements

As research in laboratories across the globe continues into the
presence of potential carcinogen acrylamide in a variety of foods,
the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) emphasised last week that
consumers should continue to eat...

Ipack-Ima 2003 re-focuses

Ipack-Ima 2003 re-focuses

Organisers of Ipack-Ima, the triennial event for the international
packaging and food processing industry, predict that this year food
processing will major role when the event opens its doors on 4

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